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MMus., King's College London
Master of Arts in Music Performance, Schola Cantorum Basiliensis
Specialised Master of Arts in Music Performance, Schola Cantorum Basiliensis
B.A. in Music (Hons.), CUHK
FRSM (Dist.), LRSM (Dist.), LTCL (Dist.)
Based in Basel and Hong Kong, recorder and early keyboard player Fiona Kizzie Lee performs internationally as a soloist and co-directs award-winning ensembles. Her recent appearances at early music festivals include the London International Early Music Festival, Seviqc Brezice (SI), Salzburger Festtage alter und neuer musik, Muzyka w raju (PL), and Utrecht Early Music Festival Fringe. Her ensembles won first prize at the London Early Music Young Ensemble Competition (2022) and became finalists at the Musikfestspiele Potsdam Sanssouci in Germany (2023) and the International Young Artists Competition in York, England (2019).
Fiona is also a researcher and educator of early music and is frequently invited to teach and lecture at international events such as the Renaissancemusikwoche in Sondershausen (DE) and the International Summer School of Early Music in Valtice (CZ). She devotes herself particularly in organizing concerts and lectures in Hong Kong to raise the interest and awareness of the public in early music. Together with the ensemble L'Artiste, she spoke and perform at HKUST Center for the Arts as the Artist-in-residence, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The University Museum and Art Gallery, Hong Kong Baptist University, The Education University of Hong Kong, etc. and also in Macau and Japan.
As a Jockey Club Music and Dance Scholarship recipient, Fiona studied at King's College London and attained Masters in Musicology (Distinction). She then studied for a second and third Masters in medieval and renaissance recorder and early keyboard performance with Corina Marti at Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, Switzerland. She is now finishing her doctoral degree in musicology at the University of Zurich, her project being funded by the UZH Candoc Grant and the Start-Up Grant of the UZH Graduate School.
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